MEI CF 7000 Coin Mech - Coin Tube Configuration

Tech Tip PDF

Hopefully all of you are aware Changer Services has a technical support hot line. One of the frequent calls we get concerns the MEI CF 7000 coin mech.

When the technician forgets the coin tube configuration is when problems can start. Remember it starts with the A tube on the front left and proceeds to the D tube at the right front.

The E tube is behind the A tube in the rear left position as shown in the photo.

In addition your technical staff should always clean the lid and surrounding area. We have found 409 and a terry-cloth towel works great. The cleaning holds true for all coin mech manufacturers’ equipment.

By reminding your technical staff of these simple tips you can help reduce costly service calls and improve your bottom line.

If you have any questions regarding this month’s Timely Tip or are experiencing other problems contact our technical support department at 888-328-5067.

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